Previous Festivals

  • 2020
    11th International Cartoon Festival
    Our Differences and Similarities

    324 cartoonists from 61 countries participated in the festival with 1152 works.
  • 2018
    10th International Cartoon Festival
    Black & White Compromise

    287 cartoonists from 52 countries participated in the festival with 961 works.
  • 2016
    9th International Cartoon Festival
    World Heritage

    255 cartoonists from 55 countries participated in the festival with 866 works.
  • 2014
    8th International Cartoon Festival

    163 cartoonists from 45 countries participated in the festival with 511 works.
  • 2012
    7th International Cartoon Festival

    137 cartoonists from 38 countries participated in the festival with 442 works.
  • 2009
    6th International Cartoon Festival

    121 cartoonists from 41 countries participated in the festival with 299 works.
  • 2007
    5th International Cartoon Festival
    Intercultural Tolerance

    75 cartoonists from 35 countries participated in the festival with 298 works.
  • 2005
    4th International Cartoon Festival
    Global Warming

    118 cartoonists from 30 countries participated in the festival with 281 works.
  • 2003
    3th International Cartoon Festival
    Water and Life

    102 cartoonists from 34 countries participated in the festival with 297 works.
  • 2001
    2th International Cartoon Festival
    East - West

    59 cartoonists from 20 countries participated in the festival with 143 works.
  • 1999
    1th International Cartoon Festival
    Mixed Exhibition

    12 cartoonists from 9 countries participated in the festival with 36 works.










Aktiffelsefe has been founded in 1989 by volunteers as a non-governmental organisation to contribute to the world of thought and culture in our country. Its headquarter is in Ankara and it has eleven branches and two representatives that organise activities on philosophy, culture and volunteering in ten cities. Our purpose is to investigate, understand and practice the values which is common legacy of humanity and aim to be better person and to contribute for a better Turkey and the world. Based on universal values, we organise social projects, cultural events and make researches to achieve these purposes.


A better individual for a better Turkey and better world.


TOüo organise activities in Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering for a better İndividual.