Everyone dreams about living in a better society but most people don’t know how this may happen. The solution Aktiffelsefe proposes is to follow the principle “better people create better societies”.

Adventure of “know yourself” for 29 years is the activization of this solution. In order for man to become better, first he must know and control his spiritual, mental, psychological nature and capacities. Everything in life changes. What man is capable of is the direction of this change and he determines it with his decisions. Besides, in order to do this, all these capacities inside us need to be in harmony. For example, if mind decides to do sports every morning, body must obey this. Or even if we are sad, mind and body should complete their duties in home and at work. But usually, this is not the case. Every capacity wants to fullfill its desires and the one which shouts more becomes the boss. If we are sad, our emotions rule us, we don’t care about work, we can’t concentrate; if we have a wound, we make all the decisions according to our body and if we get angry at someone, we don’t think good things about him. There are many obstacles: pride, egoism, fear, doubt… Exactly at this point, man who should go up and forward needs to create a solution. This solution is “compromise” or “harmony”. It is the agreement of all our inner capacities. Life is formed within outwards, inner harmony is necessary for our dream about “a better society”.

Being together creates societies. We are like nature, we don’t look like each other and this is the richness and beauty of mankind. Like in nature, every plant, tree, flower, animal, grass, earth, air, sea and man affect each other and create the whole. People who have inner harmony can alsa create unity like natere does. If they choose it consciously their differences become their beauty. People unite under high ideas and emotions. Then comes peace. Compromise is to agree about uniting for a better person and a better world.

I hope the theme of our International Cartoon Festival which we organize since 1999 creates a possibility of compromise between societies, countries and relations. I congradulate our curator Tan Oral and everyone who contributed in the festival, especially the management of Eskişehir chapter and thank them for taking care of humor with courage.

Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association General Manager