Voluntariness is loving people.
Voluntariness is loving nature.
Voluntariness is loving all beings.
When this love springs out from the heart of a person, a transformation occurs. VOLUNTARINESS
Voluntariness is sharing without waiting anything in return. Voluntariness is giving the best you have. Voluntariness is a generous and sincere attitude towards life.
Voluntariness has two precious friends: consciousness and continuity. If these two friends don’t exist, Voluntariness becomes strayed. Heart does whatever it wants to do. Real and sincere voluntariness doesn’t come out without the feeling of duty and responsibility.
Voluntariness is closer to sensibility than sensuality. It is beyond emotions like pity and sadness which come out suddenly. It provides being in action and finding a solution rather than complaining in a situation.
Voluntariness isn’t just a popular trend, it will establish the roots of real cooperation and solidarity.
Life would be more difficult and hard to bare in a world where there isn’t any volunteers. With this short writing, I thank to the volunteers of Aktiffelsefe- Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association who organized 8. International Eskişehir Cartoon Festival. They contribute to a better world by supporting the power of voluntariness with cartoon art…
Gea Search and Rescue Group Coordinator